Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Health Care Reform and Mental Health Coverage Changes

Since the new health care reform bill has passed, many experts have been scrambling to see what this means for Americans. While there is so much substance to the bill information is rolling out small pieces at a time as they are digested. I found an opinion piece in the New York Times under the prescriptions section. The question was, How much mental health coverage will this provide? Will I be able to get coverage for a therapist or psychiatrist? According to the post those at low-tiers will pay a co-pay with a lower deduct able to see a psychiatrist while those in the higher-tiers will pay a higher deduct able with no co-pay.

Once the bill is thoroughly reviewed more information will be available. Once this happens it will be easier to see what services will be covered and how it will effect mental health services.

Here is the link below,


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